Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Before you read this, know, I am not mad...but being the scarcastic ass that I am, my message reads as

Please send back your RSVPs by March 15th as requested on the wedding invite. I (Elijah) will refuse to chase people down in order to find out if you'd like to attend OUR wedding, that WE are paying for.

It's postage is paid for, you literally have to write your name, check a box and write a number on the card before sticking it in the mail box. Please do this fast, so that we will have food for you at this wedding.

Again, I'm not angry. Just want these things to get in on time. many people after reading this said "wow. what a dick?" lol

Awaiting your card,

1 comment:

  1. haha even after you send reminders and hound people, you will still have people show up that didn't rsvp. that probably was the most annoying part of my wedding day. not to mention the people you pay for because they rsvp but dont show... don't get too upset =) mine was in the mail yesterday
